Friday 10 June 2016

Heeding God’s Word – Part III

Over the course of a series of blogs we are outlining two reasons why heeding the Bible is going to be at the foundation of our life together as a church.  From our previous blogs we saw that the first reason was that the Bible is at the foundation of our life together because it is God’s word.  In this blog we will continue to outline the second reason…because the Bible is trustworthy and true.

“In times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act”
George Orwell

The God who tells the truth…
Would you expect anything else?  Given that God is righteous – faithful, it should not surprise us that when God speaks, he speaks the truth!

But God speaks the truth, not just because it is his nature to do so, he speaks the truth because (in the words of verse 156…his compassion is great!  Because he knows our fundamental problem is that we have suppressed and exchanged the truth for a lie (Romans 1).
Human nature since the fall has been to suppress the truth that God is our glorious and good creator, the truth that he is wholly inclined to our good.  We have exchanged the truth about God for the lie that says I am in charge of my own good.

Knowing this Our God – who is righteous, who wants relationship, can relate and knows we need relationship – speaks to reveal the truth about himself and about us. (The truth about us will be the focus of our next blog)